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Erhverv Aarhus, Søndergade 4, 2. mf, 8000 Aarhus

Employee Advocacy Seminar

Join a morning seminar, where you get inspiration on how to activate your employees to strengthen your recruiting efforts.


Dine ansatte er særdeles troværdige stemmer, når din virksomhed skal tiltrække nye medarbejdere – deres personlige fortællinger kan nemlig styrke dit employer brand!

Men hvordan aktiverer du dine medarbejdere, samtidig med at de bevarer deres autenticitet og troværdighed?

HEADSTART inviterer til en inspirerende formiddag hos Erhverv Aarhus, hvor du kan få sparring og inspiration til, hvordan du kan bruge dine medarbejderes personlige fortællinger til at gøre din virksomheds rekrutteringsindsats endnu stærkere.

Eventet er både for virksomheder, der endnu ikke har arbejdet aktivt med ambassadørskab og virksomheder, der allerede har gjort sig erfaringer på området og gerne vil have ny inspiration.

Vi lægger op til et mindre setup (cirka 30 pladser), hvor deltagerne bliver inviteret til aktivt at bidrage til diskussionen så vi kan inspirere hinanden på tværs af virksomheder. Derudover kan du glæde dig til at høre oplæg fra:

  • Rikke Damgaard, Employee Advocacy Specialist og Rådgiver
  • Mari-Louise Lysdahl Paulsen, Employer Branding Responsible hos Lidl Danmark

Obs. eventet bliver afholdt på engelsk.


Your employees are particularly trustworthy, when it comes to attracting new talent – their stories can give your employer brand a personal, authentic touch!

But how do you strategically activate these voices while maintaining the authenticity and credibility of your employees?

Join HEADSTART’s morning seminar at Erhverv Aarhus and start the day with inspiration and inputs on how to use your employees’ personal stories to boost your recruiting efforts.

The event is for both companies that have not yet worked actively with ambassadorship and companies that have already gained experience in this area and would like to be inspired.

The seminar is held in a smaller setup (approx. 30 seats) where participants are invited to actively contribute to the discussion, so we inspire each other across different companies. You can also look forward to inspiring talks from:

  • Rikke Damgaard, Employee Advocacy Specialist and Consultant
  • Mari-Louise Lysdahl Paulsen, Employer Branding Responsible at Lidl Danmark

The event will be held in English.

Friday, Oct 6th, 9:00-12:00
: Aarhus Rådhus, Rådhuspladsen 2, Lokale 03 (niveau -1 "parterre")
Language: English

Contact Amélie at to hear about future events and programs about Employee Advocacy.