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Café Christian X (Hotel Medi), Rådhusstrædet 8, 7430 Ikast

Social Media Café - Skive

Do you want to be more active on LinkedIn and expand your network? Join us for a cozy Social Media Café in Ikast!

Finding it hard to write interesting posts for LinkedIn or making time for it? Join us for a collective social media session! We will brainstorm post ideas, connect with each other and get our keyboards fired up! 

This is an informal meetup for expats who are interested in being more active on social media and sharing their experiences. 

You also get to discover the HEADSTART ambassador network - a team of internationals living in Central Denmark who share insights about their expat life on social media, this way helping us promote our region as a great place to live and work. 

Date: Monday, October 31st, 16.30-18.00
Location: Café Christian X (Hotel Medi), Rådhusstrædet 8, 7430 Ikast
Practical information:
bring your laptop or phone 

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