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Ny Banegårdsgade 46, 8000 Aarhus C

Summerbio 2024

Come and join our free movie outside!

Again this year, there is a free Tuesday summer cinema - we show a brilliant buffet of great films for 10 Tuesdays in a row. 

Free entrance according to the "first come, first served" principle - therefore you cannot reserve seats for your friends who arrive later!
The first 500 in line get a place.

The queue opens at 17:00, at 18:30 we open to the cinema square - AND at 19:30 we press play!

Bringing drinks, sweets and snacks is not allowed - goodies can be bought in the bike kiosk on the square.

BUT you are of course welcome to pick up delicious food and drink from Garagen's kitchens and bars - and enjoy it with the film!

And last - but not least - the Danish summer is capricious, so remember a nice warm sweater :-)

See you for a blast of movie fun in the city's best garage!

Check out the movies here: