8 April, 2021
More than 8 out of 10 digital talents declare themselves quite satisfied or very satisfied with their job situation in Denmark, according to the ’2020 Digital Talent Global Work Happiness Survey’. This places Denmark as number one in Europe – and on a third place globally.
Yet Denmark is still a hidden gem according to Claudia Bruyant Ndege, who led the study for Boston Consulting Group:
"Denmark is an overlooked destination compared to the other nations in the study. But we can see that the digital talents who find their way to Denmark are basically really happy with their work lives,” she says.
Compared to other European countries in the survey, Denmark is particularly unique in that digital employees score the job components my organisation's purpose and personal influence highest. Digital talents in Denmark value influence and the fact that they can make a difference - either with their own efforts or in the company's social, societal, and environmental footprint.
The study suggests that the extremely flat hierarchy in Denmark plays a major role for the happiness index, as it allows digital talents to take more responsibility and thus exert personal impact
I Denmark has the flattest work hierarchy in the world, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2018 and 2019. This argument is backed by Mette Smith Thastum, Chief Consultant in the Confederation of Danish Industry, who says that “Danish work culture is characterised by the employees constructively contributing to the solutions, the product, or the process they are a part of. We have a very high degree of trust in our work lives and a flat organizational hierarchy that beneficially results in happy employees and innovative solutions.”
In Central Denmark, lots of flat-hierarchy companies are ready to give digital talents and other highly skilled employees job opportunities with room for personal influence. Some of these companies have put extra focus on international talent by joining the HEADSTART initiative – an initiative giving special attention to the welcoming and onboarding of international talents.
See these companies and the jobs in which you can make a difference here.